During my childhood i did for quite some years gymnastics at Panelinios Gymnastics Association Athens.

I graduated from Panteion University of Athens on Political Science & History (1998-2003). During my first degree I was introduced in depth to most of society’s functions.

My master’s degree is on Philosophy, focused on Friedrich Nietzsche’s teachings (2004-2006). Studying this controversial German philosopher, I learned among other:

    • the importance of actively doing and not depending on the mercy of any “so called god”,
    • the significance of living with pride, as long as one lives consciously,
    • the difference between taking for granted the social morality, and making one’s own morality, etc.

My teacher (2009-2011) was Evita Iliopoulou, who has been taught in N.Y, by Romana Kryzanowska, a first generation teacher, as we say in pilates world, because she was a student of Joseph Pilates himself. That, makes me a 3d generation teacher, today.

Through Pilates I found empirical proof of the ancient Greek philosopher’s saying: “Healthy mind in a healthy body”.Today, (as a 700hours certified instructor & member of the Greek Pilates Association), more than ever (& even deeper each day), I feel in love with the Pilates method, and eager to learn more and enrich further my mind, body & soul. I find it very challenging to offer you the outmost of the mental and physical health which Pilates guarantees, as well as to share with you a bit of my excitement and love about it!